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Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
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Fall 2015
Communications Studies
CMNS 358: Popular Culture and the Media (Rev. C2)
Environmental Studies
ENVS 200: Introduction to Environmental Studies (Rev. C4)
ENVS 243/GLST 243: Environmental Change in a Global Context (Rev. C4)
ENVS 305: Environmental Impact Assessment (Rev. C2)
ENVS 343/GLST 343: Global Environmental Change (Rev. C1/C1)
ENVS 461: “Hatchet and Seed” – Tools of Political Ecology (Rev. C2)
Global Studies
GLST 205: Building Blocks of Global Studies: Overview of Approaches, Concepts, and Issues (Rev. C2)
GLST 308: Americas: An Introduction to Latin America and the Caribbean (Rev. C5)
GLST 395/INTR 395/POEC 395: Political Economy of Development: People, Processes, and Policies (Rev. C4)
HIST 208/GLST 208: The World to 1500 (Rev. C1/C1)
HIST 209/GLST 209: A History of the World in the Twentieth Century: I (Rev. C4/C4)
HIST 210/GLST 210: A History of the World in the Twentieth Century: II (Rev. C2/C2/B2)
History 216: Europe, 1618–1939: From the Thirty Years’ War to the Age of Dictators (Rev. C3)
HIST 304: Historic Britain (Rev. C2)
HIST 311: Blues, Jazz, and the Emergence of Modern African American Musical Culture, 1900–1970 (Rev. C1)
HIST 327: Imperial Russia (Rev. C3)
HIST 331: Social History of Canada: Early Industrialization to Contemporary Canada (Rev. C1)
HIST 362/WGST 362: Constructing Women and Men in Canada: A History Since Industrialization (Rev. C1/C1)
HIST 371: Early Medieval Europe: 400-1000 (Rev. C3)
HIST 372: High Medieval Europe, 1000–1350 (Rev. C2)
HIST 373: The Renaissance (Rev. C3)
HIST 383: The Vikings (Rev. C3)
HIST 384/GLST 384: Europe Since 1945 (Rev. C2/C2)
HIST 404: Historical Foundations of Modern Science (Rev. C4)
HIST 407/HUMN 407: The Enlightenment (Rev. C3/C2)
HIST 486: The Industrial Revolution (Rev. C2)
Human Geography/Geography
GEOG 201: Introductory Human Geography (Rev. C6)
GEOG 302: The Canadian North (Rev. C5)
HUMN 201/HIST 201: Western Thought and Culture I: Before the Reformation (Rev. C8/C8)
HIST 202/HUMN 202: The West from the Enlightenment to the 21st Century (Rev. C5/C5)
HUMN 309/CLAS 309/HIST 309: Ancient Greece (Rev. C3/C3/C3)
HUMN 312/ CLAS 312/ HIST 312: Ancient Rome (Rev. C3/C3/C3)
HUMN 313/HIST 313/RELS 313: Early Christians (Rev. C1)
Information Systems
Labour Studies
MUSI 267: Sound and Sense: Listening to Music (Rev. C3)
MUSI 268/HUMN 268: Classical Music: A Historical Introduction (Rev. C2)
PHIL 152: Basics in Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing (Rev. C8)
PHIL 231: Introduction to Philosophy – West and East (Rev. C2)
PHIL 240: Ancient Philosophy: The Rise of Reason in a Mythic World (Rev. C2)
PHIL 252: Critical Thinking (Special Collaboration)
PHIL 252: Critical Thinking (Rev. C11)
PHIL 254: Symbolic Logic (Rev. C2)
PHIL 255: Introduction to Philosophy: Ethics and Society (Rev. C1)
PHIL 333: Professional Ethics (Rev. C3)
PHIL 335: Biomedical Ethics (Rev. C2)
PHIL 337: Business Ethics (Rev. C3)
PHIL 342: Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Philosophy (Rev. C5)
PHIL 350: Ethics (Rev. C2)
PHIL 367: Existentialism and Phenomenology (Rev. C1)
PHIL 371: Ethics in Science and Technology (Rev. C4)
PHIL 375: Philosophy of the Environment (Rev. C2)
PHIL 380: Introduction to Eastern Philosophy (Rev. C1)
Political Economy
POEC 230/GLST 230/INTR 230: Globalization and World Politics (Rev. C3/C3/C2)
POEC 302: Theories and Approaches to Political Economy (Rev. C2)
POEC 393/POLI 393: Canada and the Global Political Economy (Rev. C4/C1)
Religious Studies
RELS 204: Introduction to World Religions (Rev. C5)
RELS 206: The Islamic Tradition (Rev. C3)
RELS 211: Death and Dying in World Religions (Rev. C2)
RELS 218: Introduction to Religion and Popular Culture (Rev. C4)
Social Science
SOSC 366: Research Methods in the Social Sciences (Rev. C7)
SOCI 216: Sociology of Families (Rev. C1)
SOCI 231: Sociology of Religion (Rev C1)
SOCI 287: Introduction to Sociology I (Rev. C6)
SOCI 288: Introduction to Sociology II—Social Movements (Rev. C7)
SOCI 290: Social Problems (Rev. C3)
SOCI 300: How Humans Organize: From Primary Groups to the World-Wide Web (Rev. C3)
SOCI 305: Sociology and Crime (Rev. C3)
SOCI 331: Exposed! Sociology of Environment and Aging (Rev. C2)
SOCI 335: Classical Sociological Theory and Its Relevance Today (Rev. C4)
SOCI 337: Modern Sociological Theory in the 20th Century: The Age of Grand Theory (Rev. C6)
SOCI 339: Sociology of War and Armed Conflict (Rev. C1)
SOCI 347: Contemporary Social Theory for the 21st Century: The Age of Indeterminacy (Rev. C2)
SOCI 348: Fighting Back for the Health of It: Sociology of Environment and Health (Rev. C3)
SOCI 365: Sociology of Deviance (Rev. C6)
SOCI 378/CMNS 385: Rebel with a Cause: Social Movements in History and Popular Culture (Rev. C3/C3)
SOCI 381: The Rich and the Rest: The Sociology of Wealth, Power, and Inequality (Rev. C2)
SOCI 426: Knowledge Mobilization for Multiple Audiences (Rev. C5)
SOCI 435: Theories of Social Change (Rev. C5)
Sociology 450: Environmental Sociology (Rev. C2)
SOCI 460: The Sociology of Information Technology (Rev. C3)
Tutor Guidebook for Philosophy
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